Friday, October 25, 2013

problems. solutions. and life goes on.

This afternoon, as I hurried to the camera store to purchase a new mini-disk for my new point and shoot digital camera, the Banksy truck went by.


It was for just this reason that I bought the inexpensive point and shoot camera.

Call me stupid, but I refuse to buy a smart phone. Carriers want a 2 year contract and they want to charge waaaaay to much for whatever it is a smart phone delivers. I get text and voice on my cute little cell phone for $50 per month.

$88.00 for the camera and another $30 for the memory card, brings me to a total of $118.00. An Iphone will run me (conservatively) $100.00 per month and I don't get AT&T in the country which means the phone is nice to look at and not good for much else once I'm out of range. So $2400.00 - $118.00 = a savings of $2,282.00. I can totally live with that.

The good news is this. Now I've got a small camera and a memory card. So the next time something interesting happens. I'm ready. No more missed shots.

now back to Banksy.

First of all. I'm glad the guys successful but I'm not really sure I get it. Maybe as far as graffiti and installations go it's all okay. But he's not pushing the envelope (enough for me). I look at his grafitti and I'm like, "Yeah. And?" Call me old fashioned, call me cranky, or just paint me as an imbecile but I kind of like it when edgy artists have an edge. And as the truck passed me by with the stuffed animals and the electronic sounds of bleating sheep and mooing cows coming out of the speakers, I thought. "Yeah. Okay." Then I thought about the amount of fuel to drive a truck around NYC and the emissions (because we definitely need more air pollution) and I was glad the driver is pulling down maybe minimum wage so he or she will be able to eat at least lunch and dinner for a few days. In the end it seems like a lot of energy that might have been put to better use.

And speaking of putting energy to better use, maybe it's time you stopped reading this post.

not for nothing. But this image is just plain depressing.

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