Monday, October 21, 2013


A few months back I met a guy and he told me, "I can tell that you're one of those rare people who has an enthusiasm for life."

And since I'm not going to get into all the boo-hoos of my youth, I will tell you that I attribute my enthusiasm for life as the ONLY thing that got me though times that might've killed me had I not been able to hold onto the idea that someday things would get better.

I believe that because I believe in things getting better they do get better.

I also believe in miracles. I've witnessed them in the lives of others and my own life.

So today, I sit here, gainfully employed, extremely healthy, working on bettering my financial health. I've got a roof over my head. I've recently been downgraded from "coupled" to single but I don't let it get to me.

One of the things I've been working on in recent months has been to observe my appetites and to figure out whether or not they feed my soul. Sadly the love relationship was tough on the body and the soul and the ex and I decided to part ways, amicably. She wasn't getting what she needed either.

And I've been bothered by the fact that I had put my inner artist on like a starvation diet. I'm pretty sure I'm a producer but in order to be a good producer, I've got to consume. I've got to know what's in the marketplace.

This past weekend, I guess you could say, I binged.

Saturday I went to Film Forum and caught Juliet Binoche in Camille Claudel 1915. There might be a tiny amount of space for debate on this but after watching this performance I'm fairly certain Juliet Binoche is the greatest actress of her generation. Yes, she's managed to make Meryl Streep's work look thin.

Sunday I headed to the multiplex and saw Gravity in 3-D.

What I liked about both movies was that I was immersed in them for totally different reasons. There was the awe of Juliet Binoche's performance and there was the awe of the technical wizardry that produced Gravity.

How cool is it that I live in a world where both things exist simultaneously?

In between going to the movies I read Night by Elie Wiesel and The Price of Gold: The Triumph and Toll of One Man's Olympic Dream. I know. More outliers. I cannot seem to escape them. Maybe no one but outliers end up winning gold and/or publishing books. It's certainly starting to look that way.

But back to miracles. They exist. Go in search of them. Expect them to appear in your life.

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