Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I’m smitten with the potential of all possibility.

You're probably wondering, who is this whack job and why am I reading this blog as often as I do?

I’ll tell you why: because I’m gonna make it big and then you’re going to have to pay me for the advice. I’ll be a speaker at colleges and universities and I’m not gonna bullshit you. I’m gonna tell it like it was.

If you’re one of those people who likes to listen to what people who are smarter than you have to say, join the party. I live to listen to what people who are smarter than me have to say.

I’m going to detail a few things for you right now:
I read voraciously. I stopped watching TV about 6 years ago. If there is a show I like enough, I buy it on DVD and/or watch it online once it becomes available. (= Most recently: BBC Sherlock. That shit is amazing.)  I actually have savings. (I know, crazy.) I end up having to loan money to my friends who earn more than I do b/c they can’t figure out how to manage their money. (I’m not a loan shark, these are 0 interest loans.) I don’t own a home. I rent. I bought a used car a few years back. (I take really good care of my used car and she treats me like royalty.) I eat home cooked food. I drink occasionally. (Used to be a serious alcoholic.) I had major surgery a few years back and as a result I decided to live differently. (Hence the home cooking and cutting back on the booze.) I’m grateful. Even though I’m an atheist, I often say thank you to God. (Remember Janis Ian’s mother: God doesn’t care that I’m an atheist.) I have a firm belief that things are going to work out. (& usually they do.) When things aren’t going well I hang in there and wait until the storm blows over. I’m incredibly loyal. I’m no saint. I know there’s a better world out there and I aim to be one of the people who brings it into being. Right now I have less than 100,000 in savings. A few years back I read an article that working 40 hours per week won’t lead to major success. I kind of overdid it and bumped that up to 70 hours per week. I’ve dialed back a little this year as projects have come to a close. I loved my significant other dearly and we parted ways amicably b/c things were not working out well. (Today I miss her.) I earn less than 6 figures per year.

I’m going to go big. I invite you to do the same.

For the heck of it read this and then read the comment section. I always love reading comment section -- you can tell how negative and small-minded people are by their comments. And while I love frugality I prefer to think that there is plenty of money out there and I’m going to have access to a lot of it. Don’t live cheaply unless that truly appeals to you. Figure out who you are, what you want, and then make that your reality.

And remember, if you plan to “retire comfortably.” You better figure out what “retire” and “comfortable” mean to you. Then you should figure out where you are on that timeline, sketch a plan, and put something into action. First step is to get rid of consumer debt and NEVER incur it again. And the step that precedes the first step, get a grip on your emotions. There is a direct link to being able to control your emotions and manage your money. I’m not suggesting that you become featureless. Please retain your character while building your bank account. Adopt a prosperity mindset.

Mark your calendars. I’m going big.

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