Saturday, April 26, 2014

Elliot Smith and notes on Dating Myself.

I guess I'm dating myself and by that I don't mean that I'll be making references to the past, I mean that I've been taking myself on dates. This will have to do until someone shows up. & to make life interesting/possible I've got myself on a budget.

For those of you who've been following this blog you know that I like to put my money where my mouth is. The way I see it, to do otherwise obviates having both a mouth and money. Although I could end up rich and tongue-tied, right now it's all frugality and being opinionated.

The thing is going on dates with myself is fun. Really. I'm not making that up and you know I wouldn't lie to you. This past week was busy on the solo-social scene. I went to the International Auto Show at Javits Center. I stopped at Camp Jeep where they've got this course that might make for some seasickness unless you enjoying heading down hill at a grade of 31 degrees. Just f*cking intense. (Ticket for the Auto show $12.00.)

Did I mention that I'm on a budget? Yeah well if you recall I cashed out my IRA, took all my savings, and paid cash for some land at the end of last year. This means that I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck. If you've got nothing else to do, try it sometime. Nothing will put you in the present faster than having no money. (If you've got debt you can't play this game. This game is only for those who are debt-free and want to feel the squeeze of trying to make their money go somewhere, of trying to feel the value of a dollar. If you've got debt you're living in the past and you will have a much harder time of living in the present.) And yeah if this were a two-way conversation you could bust me int he sense that now I've got the sense of security of owning land. Because if worse comes to worse, I can always pitch a tent on my property. I guess that, a ten speed bike and a minimum wage job and I'd be back at a beginning of sorts.

On another self-date I went to see Kenneth Weiss rock the harpsichord and ottavino. This guy brought down the roof. When was the last time you heard someone perform a song that's 450 years old and you liked it? If it's been a while, check out the early music scene in New York City or Boston. (Ticket was $20.00 and included free wine before and after the performance.)

Today was a matinee of The Other Woman. I wish I could recommend it but... while there were some funny moments, on the whole it didn't work for me. Afterwards, it was a burrito at Chipotle and a stroll. (Movie $8.00, burrito $8.50.)

And in reading Torment Saint, a biography of the late musician Elliot Smith written by William Todd Schultz, I have met my polar opposite. Elliot possibly committed suicide age of 35 but he was neither young nor happy at the time of his death and from what I can gather he spent the better part of his life as a brilliant singer-songwriter who suffered depression and struggled with substance abuse. At first I thought I would be annoyed by the book but I'm keeping an open mind and coming to know a version of Elliot. In some ways Elliot Smith could end up grating on your nerves but if you move past your judgment you can see there was a lot of talent and beauty, but man there's is some real pain in there. Listen here.
Or here.

I'm sticking with dying young, happy, and rich.

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