Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome. It's been a while since I've blogged. I've pulled all the old blogs off the 'net. The last time I communicated via this medium I was farming in rural Massachusetts. Back then I was wondering if/how to live a more peaceful life. Nowadays I find myself back in an urban environment faced with a new set of puzzles and the question that looms large in my mind: what should I do with the rest of my life?

I know, not an easy question to answer.

I've broken things down into modules to see if I can discover clues, insights, answers. What I'm finding is that there are certain things I'm NOT okay with. Being bored has got to be at the top of the list. Okay, having to live in a bigoted world is at the tip of the list; being bored is second on the list.

How can I escape the tedium of a day job, suffering from insomnia, and muddling through my middle years? My answer: die young.

That's right. 

I've been death-obsessed since I was a child. Death seemed to be everywhere. My aunt was brutally raped and murdered when I was 5 years old. A couple of relatives died at ripe old ages and a young girl I'd known for a year or so, around my age (5 years old), died from a rare blood disease. In this way I saw up close that people can (and do) go at anytime.

But back to the problem at hand. How can I achieve my goal of dying young?

I've tasked myself with figuring this out and I will share with you my amazing adventures. Feel free to check the blog once a week as I make my way toward my grave. (And just so we're clear: dying young is not the same as meeting an early death.)

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