Monday, November 11, 2013

various waking states

My ex was one of the most neurotic people I've ever dated and ever known. She was literally afraid of everything. For some reason none of that bothered me. I felt like she was on her path and she had to go through the things she had to go through. I've got my own to-do list handed to me by the Universe.

This warning from the CDC reminded me of her and one of our arguments from a few months back.

She was in one of her usual moods and we headed to the farmers market. We picked up some veggies and some fruit. All of it organic. We returned to the apartment and went about the rest of the day. I was writing and she was doing homework. Later on, thinking nothing of it, I moved the cantaloupe from one side of the counter to the other and prepped some food. The GF got all weird and told me to bleach the counter top. I bleached the counter and continued with my food prep. Hours and hours later we were playing canasta and I asked, What was going on with the cantaloupe earlier?

The GF got defensive and weird, started crying, and yelled at me. And in the end, it turned out she feared E coli bacteria was on the outside of the cantaloupe and would contaminate the kitchen.

The thing is, she might have a point but I also pointed out to her that I trust myself to know which foods are safe and whenever there's been a food recall in the past 10 years, I have never been one to buy any of the products on the recall.

Just to freak the GF out I used to tell her stories about the hot dog vendors who prepared my hot dogs with the same gloved hand they use to handle the cash. Today I'll probably go to the guy who makes falafel with the plastic glove on the same hand he uses to prep veggies, makes sammies, and then grabs my change from the bin. This is a classic safe-serv failure.

The ex had this awesome episode. She went into Whole Foods and went to the deli. The guy behind the counter had touched a variety of surfaces with his gloved hand. She asked him to put on a new glove. He did so, then he grabbed a pencil with the new glove to write down her order. Needless to say, the ex had a min panic attack and couldn't eat the sandwich.

All of this is to say several things:
1. dating a neurotic woman can be very entertaining
2. most of us will survive exposure to the usual bacteria
3. buy organic
4. wash fruits and vegetables, store them in sanitary conditions
5. don't be like me and eat foods that come in contact with nasty, dirty, germ-infested dollar bills (I'm just super macho and like taking unnecessary risks)

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