Thursday, November 14, 2013

Live to feel alive.

I don't live life in fear of death. I live life in order to live it to the fullest.

Today I'm going to be super lazy --

Read this gem.

Okay, I've realized I have something to say, to those of you who don't have kids.

People have been dying and being killed for a long time. I don't remember reading anyone's blog post about hearing the news of a U.S. drone killing civilians in the Mid-east as something that provoked an ah-ha moment about seizing the day.

Approach the day not as if you will not live to see another, approach the day because this is the one you were given to live TODAY. Approach your loved-ones not as if you may never see them again. Love them because that's is what you can do TODAY.

Folks. This is it. Right here. Right now.

Earlier this year when the two kettle bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston marathon, one of my relatives was seated at the finish line at the time of detonation. My uncle. Luckily he was across the street and was uninjured. He said it was scary. Later that night I was on facebook reading posts by my friends in Beantown who have kids. They reported on hugging the kids tighter, kissing them more, etc.

If you're a bit of a curmudgeon (I'm not an affectionate person), as well as childless, you're going to need to look somewhere else for inspiration. I suggest you look inside your heart. I suggest you cast off all the bull crap and live a life that means something to you. I say this to my friends all the time, "I've got one life and I plan to live it my way." I may end up crawling into my grave with no savings but I still plan on dying young, healthy, and having lived my life.

All of this was in someway informed by the bombings of the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001. I declared that I would not live in fear. I started to volunteer a lot more of my time. I started to eat better. Trust me, when the terrorists show up you're going to want to be able to run in the opposite direction of the bomb (threat). You're going to need to be in shape. You're going to want to fight in the way that is appropriate for you. Start a new business. Start crossing things off your bucket list. People, a lived well-lived is the best offense.

Please. Start living. Today.

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